Newsletters 2017-2021

Fall 2021 RBHS Building Repair Fund, A Tribute to Glenice Ames Carpenter, Controversy Swirls Around Bodega Harbor (Part 5), ss Marin

Spring/Summer 2021 Faces Project: Amanda Bryant, Controversy Swirls Around Bodega Harbor (Part 4), RBHS Library & Office Changes

Winter 2021 Faces Project: Ren Brown, Farewell to Meredith Wharf, Controversy Swirls Around Bodega Harbor (Part 3)

Fall 2020 Faces Project: Bob Miller from the Surf Shack, Rancho Bodega Settlers, Controversy Swirls Around Bodega Harbor (Part 2)

Summer 2020 Faces Project: Adri Boudewyn, William Doran's Ranch, Mexican Land Grants, Controversy Swirls Around Bodega Harbor

Spring 2020 Faces Project: Josh Perucchi, 47th Annual Fisherman's Festival, Alfred Hitchcock & The Birds, RBHS Open House

Winter 2020 Faces Project: Alicia, Patty and Paul Ginochio, Memorial at the Seamen's Cemetery, The Ranches on Bodega Head

Fall 2019 Faces Project: Mary Cook, History of the Bodega Bay Fire & Rescue Services, Fall Events around Bodega Bay

Summer 2019 Robin on French TV, Faces Project: Michael & Barb Trapani, History of the Bodega Bay Fire Service, Another Historical Society in Bodega Bay, Summer Events around Bodega Bay

Spring 2019 Faces of Bodega Bay Free Exhibit, Volunteer at the Fisherman's Festival, Fire Chief Grinnell, Spud Point Marina

Winter 2019 California Collection at Peter the Great Museum, Faces of Bodega Bay: Lira Filippini, Who Named "Joy Road" ... and Why?

Fall 2018 California Collection at Peter the Great Museum, The Smith Family of Bodega Bay, Rose Gaffney - An Original from Bodega Bay

Summer 2018 Faces of Bodega Bay - Shona Weir, Sturgeon's Mill Museum, From the Archives - Little Buckhorn Ranch, Upcoming Events

Spring 2018 Faces of Bodega Bay - Diana Bundy, Open House - Rancho Bodega Historical Society, From the Archives - Admiral Belcher's Maps of Bodega Bay, Disaster Preparedness Committee, Fisherman's Festival

Winter 2018 St. Teresa of Avila in Bodega (Jasper O'Farrell and Father Louis Rossi), Faces of Bodega Bay (Jim Irving, Roadhouse Coffee shop)

Fall 2017 Smith Family, Faces of Bodega Bay (The Anello family and crew: Moose & Diego, Spud Point Crab Company), History of Fishing Industry in Bodega Bay

Summer 2017 Atomic Park, Letter from Susan Teel, Where is Rancho Bodega, Hippie Daze, People and Places around Bodega Bay