Who We Are

The Rancho Bodega Historical Society (RBHS) was organized in 1991 by a group of residents interested in our past. The RBHS has as its goal the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of historical information about this region, as well as the collecting and safekeeping of historical artifacts. Our region of interest parallels that of the 35,488-acre Rancho Bodega land area originally deeded to Capt. Stephen Smith by the Mexican Government in 1844 -- and later re-confirmed when California became part of the United States in 1848. Rancho Bodega covers 55 square miles of Coastal land, stretching from Estero Americano to the Russian River. It includes the towns of Bodega and Bodega Bay, as well as the communities of Salmon Creek, Carmet, and Sereno Del Mar.

To reflect the diverse interest of members, we strive to balance our programming within four broad categories -- Native American history, the Spanish and the Russians, early American settlers, and current topics of interest. We do this through the newsletter, speaker events, and in collaboration with other local/regional groups. For basic research, the Society houses a limited collection of books about history and also offers for sale a number of brochures and booklets that describe local history and events.